See Calendar for weekly activities
The Leprosy Mission – Stamps Support Mission
It’s hard to believe but used stamps means money for The Leprosy Mission. Please pass your used stamps (trimmed but leaving a border around each stamp) to Moira Ritchie who will send them off.
Steadfast Global
Please pick up your copy of the latest issue of the Steadfast Global news letter from the table.
Pre-service prayer time
All are welcome to join with us for pre-service prayer time in the dining room before the morning service at 10.15 am.
Church Prayer Chain
Please remember to make use of the Prayer Chain. The person to contact is Susan Campbell (0141 942 8112).
Recording of Sunday Services
All our services are recorded into digital format. If you miss a service, part of a series, or found a particular service special then you can download a digital audio file (MP3) from the church website onto a suitable MP3 player, smart phone or tablet.
Can we please ask that people reverse their cars into the car parking spaces. This will help with safety in the car park after the services.